Regardless of where you are in your shooting game, the Ashes can help you bring it to the next level. Whether you shoot sporting clays, trap, skeet, or hunt birds, the OSP method will show you how!

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Optimum Shotgun Performance  

How Your Eyes Work

One of the most surprising things students learn in our clinics is how their eyes work. The eyes feed the information of how to hit the target to the brain. If they receive incorrect information, then the shot becomes, more often then you want it to be, a miss.

How to prevent this? Lets go over how your eyes work. The eyes focus back from the object you are looking at to your body more efficiently than if they have to go from a short distance and find the target. They then have to do 2 functions–they must locate the target, then focus on it. If your eyes are beyond the flight line of the target, and focused on something so that they are still, they will pick up any movement that they see. That is how they work. In one function, they will immediately go to the object that is moving the fastest in the picture and focus on it.

How often have you thought, if I could see the target faster, I could hit it quicker. True, but only if you can see the target clearly will you be able to hit it faster. If you focus between the machine and you, your eyes will have to locate the target, then focus on it. The better way to find the target quicker, therefore hit it quicker, is to focus on something beyond the flight path and let the eyes go to the movement and focus immediately. This way you are allowing the eyes to give the computer (brain) the correct information and make the correct picture happen.

Another surprising thing for people in our lessons is, that the eyes will go to the object in the picture(in you vision) that is moving the fastest. If the target gets ahead of your gun and you have to play catch up to it, the gun will be the fastest object in the picture, therefore, your eyes will automatically go to the barrel. When this happens, your focus is no longer on the target and a miss will usually occur. I say usually, because even a blind pig finds an acorn every once in a while.

Use your eyes the most efficient way. Keep your eyes focused on something when calling pull. Let the target come into your vision, move to the front of the target, pull the gun to your face and pull the trigger.